최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

스트레스 측정의 방법론적, 기술적 고찰 - 재활간호를 위한 스트레스원의 조절 -

Methodological and Technical Considerations of the Measurement of Stress The regulation of stress in rehabilitation nursing

  • 43

The purpose of this study is to research and develop a Stress Measurement Model for disabled persons who face greater challenges to their mental stability due to limitations placed on their life by various physical handicaps. Prior to this, the systematic study of stress closely related to mental and physical health was attempted almost entirely through theoretical and methodological approaches. On the contrary, this study proposes the reconceptualization of stress, a revaluation of the factors influencing stress, and the development of a specific method of stress measurement. In order to approach the problem of the reappraisal of the concept of stress itself, we tried to reconceptualize the idea o f permanent stress by elaborating upon a biochemical model developed by Hans Selye(1936) and Pierre and Henri Loo(1986). We further considered a socio-psychological concept of stress formed within a socio-occupational environment. From the methodological point of view we explored the type of stress which may be caused by person-environment interactions. We proposed research problems and developed stress measurement methods which were based on biochemical, psychosocial, and psychopathological factors. The research problems focused on are as follows : 1. What is the function of stress in human life? 2. What kind of stress is the greatest priority to reduce? 3. In what ways can stress be reduced, not only in daily life, but in occupational situation? 4. How can we establish a correlation model of stress to properly benefit human beings efficiency and vitality? 5. How can we relieve the feeling of powerlessness experienced by so many human beings? If the concept of stress, which has become a topic across many fields of both the social and hard sciences, can be acknowledged as an operational concept, it would be useful for the promotion of health and for the rehabililitation of our clients.

1. 서론

2. 연구목적

3. 연구방법

4. 결론
