최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

자궁경부암 환자의 치료전 우을과 관련된 요인 조사

A Study on Factors Related Depression of Pre-treatment Patients with Uterine Cervical Cancer

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The purpose of this study was to determine the predictors of depression scores among newly diagnosed uterine cervix cancer patients before the hysterectomy or radiotherpy was done. A total of 55 patients from one university hospital in Kwang-ju city were interviewed from April 1996 to September 1996 with the aid of 6 structured instruments; Beck s Depression Inventory, Mishel s Uncertainty in Illness scale,Rosenberg s Self-esteem Scale, Tai s family support scale. Osgood s Sementic Differential scale, and records on demographic and medical factors. The data obtained were analyzed using percentage, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coeficients, and Step wise Mutipie Regession. The results were summaized as follows: 1. The mean scores of psychosocial variables were as follows: uncertainty was 36.1, self-esteem was 35.5,body image was 39.9,familly support was 37.9.2. The depression score was moderate degree in total subjects- the mean score of depression was 19.2 ± 9 .5 . 3. The depression score was not significantly different by the level of domographic and medical factors; age(p = .16 ),the education level (p = .2 5 ),the type of religion(p = .1 9 ),cancer staging(p = .3 6 ),and the presence or absence of ovary at operation (p = .62). 4. The higher the depression score they have, the lower they percived body image and self-esteem(r = -.477, p = .0002; r = -10, p = .002). But the scores between the depression and the uncertainty did not significantly correlated = .245, p = 0.072). 5. When self esteem was removed in the model because of multiple colliniarity, the stepwise procedure resulted in the body image, explaining 22.1%(b = -.8 5 6, p =.0005), of the variance in the depression scores. 6. When body image was removed in model because of multiple colliniarity, the stepwise procedure resulted in the self-esteem , explaining 16.8%(b = -.6 7 5, p = .0005), of the variance in the depression scores, cancer staging, explaining 8.9% (A = 3.363, p = .0155), respectively. The amount of the total variance was 25.7% . Based upon the above findings, it was concluded that the predictors of the score of depression was the body image, self esteem, and cancer staging.

1. 서론

2. 문헌고찰

3. 연구 방법

4. 연구 결과

5. 논의

6. 결론 및 제언
