최근 검색어 전체 삭제

음성장애 관련 자기보고식 평가도구의 최신 동향

A Current Trend of Self-Reporting Evaluation Tools for Voice Disorders

  • 96

The patient-oriented evaluation methodology increases the importance of self-reporting evaluation tools measuring the voice-related quality of life for the voice disorder patients. The present study was performed to investigate a current trend of self-reporting evaluation tools related with voice and voice and/or by literature review. By using Pubmed, one of the most frequently used electronic journal database, articles related with self-reporting evaluation tools for the voice disorders patients from 2009 to 2019 were searched. Among them, 113 articles related with existing self-reporting evaluation tools (adapted with specific languages, comparison and/or correlation study among the tools, and statistic analysis) and articles of newly developed tools were selected. 94 among 113 articles were related with existing self-reporting evaluation tools, and 19 articles were related with newly developed tools. 67 among 94 articles related with existing tools reported the adapted version of specific languages; 11 articles, comparison and/or correlation study with other self-reporting tools; 16 articles, the statistic analysis results of the tools (eg., reliability, validity). Articles of newly developed tools includes self-reporting tools for the older adults, ones using the concepts of clinical psychometry, ones related with vocal fatigue, and ones for their own native peoples. The focus of self-reporting evaluation tools have changed into more various ages and more specific domains with newly introduced concepts. With these results, more comprehensive and characterized self-reporting evaluation tools for Korean voice disorder patients should be developed.




