최근 검색어 전체 삭제

음치 성인의 시간적 처리 능력

Temporal Processing Abilities of Adults with Tune Deafness

  • 19

Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate the temporal processing abilities in individuals with tune deafness. Methods: First, the scores of Distorted Tunes Test (DTT), which is a web-based tool for identifying tune-deaf individuals, were collected from 346 young adults. Second, Frequency Pattern Test (FPT), Duration Pattern Test (DPT), and Gaps-In-Noise (GIN) test were randomly conducted on the tune deafness group (TDG) and the control group (CG). TDG consisted of 13 young Korean adults who are self-reportedly amusic and performed ≤ 19 scores on DTT. CG included 15 who are not self-reportedly amusic and performed ≥ 24 scores on the same test. The scores of FPT, DPT, and GIN test were compared between TDG and CG. Results: The criterion for tune deafness in the lowest 10th percentile on DTT included the score up to 19. Mann Whitney U nonparametric analysis revealed significantly lower performances in both labeling (p < 0.05) and humming (p < 0.01) modes of FPT in TDG, but not in DPT. GIN thresholds in the two groups significantly differed following the paired t-test, revealing upper threshold in the right ear in TDG (p < 0.05), but represented performances within normal ranges. Conclusion: Pitch processing deficits followed by poor performances on FPT by TDG suggest that DPT may be a more appropriate clinical choice when assessing temporal processing abilities in tune-deaf population. High performance variables in terms of temporal processing abilities within TDG also suggest further scrutiny of temporal processing abilities in the affected population is necessary.




