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KCI등재 학술저널

어린이 책읽기 북돋우기 7개국 사례

Promoting Children s Reading in 7 Countries

  • 65

본 연구의 목적은 한국, 영국, 미국, 독일, 프랑스, 일본과 핀란드, 위 7개국 영유아, 학령기 아동과 청소년을 위한 책읽기 환경 마련과 프로그램을 알아보는데 있다. 문헌과 비문헌 조사, 인터뷰를 통해 이를 살펴보았다. 한국의 어린이도서관과 다문화언어지원 프로그램, 영국의 독서지원 비정부단체들의 활약과 리딩챌린지 프로그램, 미국의 가족문해협회와 리터러시 코칭 프로그램, 독일의 인문독서교육과 책읽어주기 자원봉사 프로그램, 프랑스의 문학텍스트 중심 교육과정과 문학친구 프로그램, 일본의 활자문화 진흥법과 아침10분독서 프로그램, 핀란드의 이동도서관과 시스파 프로그램 등을 소개했다. 차세대 책읽기와 환경마련에의 적용을 논의하였다.

This study explored environmental preparations and programmes that were to promote children s reading in Korea, England, America, Finland, Germany, France and Japan. These were found as good models: children s libraries and Multi-cultural Program in Korea, reading related NGO activities and Reading Challenge Program in England, Family Literacy Associations and Reading Couching Program in America, Library Bus service and Sispa program in Finland, Stiftung Lesen Voluntary Reading Program in Germany, the National Curriculum for Literature Education in France, the Letter and Culture Act and 10-Minute-Morning Reading Program in Japan. Implications for the next generation were below. Firstly, there are 300 small libraries in Korea. It is urgent to develop programmes for local people to meet their needs. Secondly, networking and cooperation are required between government, numerous citizen s meetings and reading associations. Thirdly, government is responsible for helping children with reading difficulties. Schools should provide organized lessons for them. Fourthly, connecting schools, galleries and museums would be a better learning environment. Fifthly, reading folk tales and old stories aloud to young children would help them to build self-identity as a world citizen. Next, it is good for children s concentration to read any books they like in the morning for a while. Lastly, interaction between young readers and e-book are of interest. Much research needs to understand merits and hazards of the new device.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 연구방법

Ⅲ. 7개국 사례

Ⅳ. 결론 및 논의
