최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

A Practical Model for ICT-Integrated Music Education

This paper aims to develop a practical model for better enactment of ICT integration and music in Taiwan. Currently, the progress of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has changed the way music is experienced. ICT is presented as an efficient tool to enhance students’ attainment of listening, composition, performance, improvising, or music appreciation. Nevertheless, a growing body of evidence claims that the lack of funding, provision, teaching resource, or capability of employing ICT has restricted music teachers in developing new curriculum ICT use. In 1998, the Ministry of Education in Taiwan released a policy that encourages Grades 1-9 school educators to integrate ICT into all curricula. In order to explore more closely the enactment of integrating ICT into music curriculum, a qualitative single case study with multiple methods including observation, interview, and document analysis was conducted for four months at one ICT-Seeded junior high school in central Taiwan. Rather than the lack of ICT funding or equipment, the findings indicate that providing music teachers required support and training should be focused in future. Finally, a ‘Staffing and Provision Model’ is proposed to inform better implementation of ICT integration and music in Taiwan.

本文旨在發展一個改進台灣資訊融入音樂教育運作的實用模式。近年來資訊通訊科技已經改變體驗音樂的方式,且被認為是提升學生聽力、作曲、演奏、即興與欣賞成就最有效的工具。儘管如此卻有研究顯示推行資訊融入音樂教學所匱乏的經費、設備、教學資源及設備操作能力已經影響音樂教師使用資訊科技發展新課程設計的意願。1998年台灣教育部發佈政策,鼓勵國中小學校教師將資訊科技融入各科教學中,因此為深入了解資訊融入音樂教學的實施狀況,本研究利用實地觀察、訪談與文件分析等質性研究方法,針對台灣中部一所資訊融入教學種子學校進行個案研究。研究結果顯示在台灣經費跟設備因素對資訊融入音樂課程發展的影響較少,反而是對音樂教師在課程設計上所需要的技術支持與訓練在未來要更加重視。最後則根據研究結果,提出一個實用模式(SP Model)做為改進台灣資訊融入音樂課程的建議。

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Methodology

Ⅲ. Results and Discussion

Ⅳ. Conclusion
