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KCI등재 학술저널

그림자경쟁에 질곡되는 도시의 문화적 향유

The Cultural Enjoyment of a city Fettered by the shadow Competition

  • 15

도시는 도시인에게 삶의 둥지로서 형성되는 조건의 근본질문에서 유래되지 않는다. 액체근대(liquid modern)의 현실은 우리의 삶을 ‘가능성의 포화’로 몰두시키는 반면, ‘비극의 직면’과 ‘비극의 공동참여’로부터 단절시킨다. 이 논문은 마페졸리(Maffesoli)의 ‘역설의 세계관’을 통해 근대도시에 대한 새로운 성찰을 시도하고자 한다. 마페졸리는 원자화된 개인의 행복과 재화 및 자본의 환원이 액체근대의 도도한 물결을 만드는 두 동인임을 지적한다. 마페졸리는 ‘목표있는 삶’이 몰아가는 인간의 모든 희망과 꿈이 결부되는 덧없음, 무의미함으로부터 새로운 성찰로서 역설의 사회과학적 분석과 진단을 통해 주목할 것을 강조한다. 마페졸리에 의하면 우리의 즐거움은 미래의 가능성이 더욱 커지는 것에 의해 기쁨이 예속되지 않는 점을 지적한다. 비극은 근본적으로 인간의 노력에 의해 극복될 수 있는 대상이라기보다 운명적으로 닥쳐오는 통제하기 어려운 영역이라는 측면에서 중요하다. 마페졸리는 ‘비극의 역설’에서 액체근대의 몰아가는 흐름으로부터 일탈하여 덧없음과 무의미함을 통한 새로운 시각에서 사회 전체를 관조한다. 이로부터 새로운 패러다임과 인간 내면의 진정한 열망을 환기시키는 원천으로서 자각이 중요하다. 마페졸리는 ‘비극의 역설’을 통해 액체근대의 덧없음과 무의미함을 통해 도시에서 일어나는 비극을 사회가 껴안아 공동참여-공동책임할 수 있는 ‘운명공동체’의 기반임을 강조하고 있다. 이러할 때 ‘가능성의 포화’로 질주하는 액체근대의 흐름으로부터 도시인은 개인과 이웃의 비극을 함께 공유하고 극복하는 사회적 ‘운명공동체’로서 상호간 ‘부식토’의 역할로서 자리매김할 수 있다.

Does a city play the role as a peaceful social nest for those who live in that city? The problem of the city where we live is that the city has stopped asking itself this question. A city doesn t originate from the basic question on the conditions to be a living nest for the citizens. Although a city can be transformed to a social nest for the citizens living in that city, there is almost no research or basic investigation on whether a city plays the role as a social nest to relieve the pains of citizens or for a comfortable life and cultural enjoyment of its citizens. It means that we don t pay attention to the frontlines of daily life of our citizens, which is fundamental in modern civilization. However, it is most important to gain insight into the context of communication which enables people to share and solve the personal tragedies we face when living with an uncertain future. It also enables those living under certain conditions to share the ‘limits of possibility’ as well as sharing a ‘common destiny’ with their neighbors. The reality of liquid modern makes us indulged into the saturation of possibility but prevents us from facing tragedy and participating in tragedy community. This paper tried new contemplation on a modern city through the worldview of Maffesoli’s paradox. Maffesoli points out that two motives— atomized personal happiness and reducibility of goods and capital —are agents creating the lofty wave of fluid, modern culture. Maffesoli emphasizes the concentration on the socio-scientific analysis and diagnosis of the phenomenon of paradox as the new insight from transience and meaninglessness which are connected to all hopes and dreams of human beings driven by a life with goals. Maffesoli also indicated that our pleasure is not subject to increasing possibility in the future. Tragedy is important because it is difficult to overcome it—as it is destiny—rather than an object which can be overcome by human efforts. The predominance of possibility, the flow pursued in a fluid, modern culture, is merely an evaluation mark for survival competition because of transience and meaninglessness which can t solve the tragedy of citizens. The fundamental falsity of a fluid, modern city is that we forget that tragedy is the destiny of our community, and this destiny is the function assigned to social groups, shaping common destiny which is not directly related to personal ability and acquisition of personal ability. Maffesoli contemplates the entire society with new points of view through transience and meaninglessness out of the flow driven by a fluid, modern society as a paradox of tragedy. It is important as the source to remind the true enthusiasm inside us and provide a new paradigm. In other words, the fluid city which doesn t focus on the tragedy of citizens marches toward inability,’ which is not treated as the basic crisis of a city. However, Maffesoil emphasizes that tragedy occurring in a city is the basis of the community which a society can participate in and take responsibility together through transience and meaninglessness of a fluid, modern city through the paradox of tragedy. The citizens can secure their position to play the role as humus soil, helping each other, and as a social group ‘sharing a common destiny, enabling the sharing and overcoming of tragedy with neighbors in the flow of a fluid, modern culture running rapidly toward the saturation of possibility. With such efforts, the citizens can form a new foundation for the group, sharing a common destiny for individuals and society which have been neglected for a long time; it can t be separated from the citizens.

Ⅰ. 문제제기 : 액체도시에 매몰된 향유의 시너지적 집단지성

Ⅱ. ‘그림자경쟁’과 ‘도시의 무능력’

Ⅲ. 진정한 휴식과 성찰성을 보장하는 향유도시

Ⅳ. 문화적 향유도시로의 시각이동 : 향유 공감대의 기저는 도시인들의 비극을 공유하는 ‘운명적 공동체’
