최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

21세기 리더십 패러다임 변화에 대한 소고 『교회 컨텍스트에 대한 함의를 중심으로』

A Thought of the Transformation of the 21st Century Leadership Paradigm: Focusing on the Implication involved in the Church Context

  • 40

What kind of leadership is required in the 21st century? Would the leadership be different in the twernty first century church? Consider that the Korean church is facing a crisis, there could be something to reflect upon from the leadership theories. This paper attempts to identify previous leadership paradigms, to analyze contemporary leadership theories, and to contemplate upon the implication of such theories to church. There could be various kinds of leaders in the Korean church context. They may be able to learn and reflect upon recent transformative leadership theories which attempt to motivate the followers sincerely. Authentic Leadership, Complexity Leadership, Shared Leadership, Servant Leadership, Spiritual Leadership, Emotional Leadership are the new theories that could be referred to. There may not be the right answer, but church leaders ought to self-examind their leadership and be sincere the claimed leadership style.

I. 서론

II. 기존 리더십 패러다임

III. 21세기 리더십 이론의 유형

IV. 교회에 리더십 이론 적용 가능성

V. 결론
