최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

On the Case Alternation in -ko siphta Constructions

  • 12

Languages like Korean allow internal arguments to bear accusative case morphology or nominative case morphology in desiderative constructions such as –ko siphta. Since the event-time of V–ko and that of siphta are different, the current research claims that –ko siphta is bi-clausal. Idiomatic expressions provide supporting evidence for the bi-clausal status. Nominative-accusative case morphology alternation is accounted for by positing an NP at the edge of a clause, while a coreferential null pronoun, pro, occupies the canonical object position in the embedded clause. The NP at the clause edge further moves to the matrix clause to satisfy the Case Filter.

Ⅰ. Introduction

II. Syntactic and Semantic Properties

III. Syntactic Structure of –ko siphta

IV. Conclusion
