최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

다문화정책과 다문화교육 - 호주를 중심으로 -

Multicultural Policy and Multicultural Education in Australia

  • 260

In 1973, the Immigration Minster of Australia gave a speech entitled A multicultural society for the future and used multiculturalism in an official government statement in 1978. Multiculturalism was percepted to promote social harmony and wealthy future in Australia and multicultural policy and education were changed. Multicultural education is enable students to experience cultural diversity through culturally integrated curriculum, learn linguistic diversity and literacy, have more access to education opportunities and equal outcomes, therefore contribute for national economic development. The multicultural policy and education in Australia suggest that in Korea society which increase of woman and worker immigrated. In spite of Australia multicultural policy and education development, still racism present and new identity formation s failure. This argument address that lead possibility of return if doesn t overcome of multiculturalism limit. After all, Australia multicultural policy and education discourse display that continued discussion and of issues about necessity, boundary and application of multicultural policy and education in Korea society.

I. 서론

II. 호주의 다문화 정책

1. 호주의 다문화적 상황

2. 호주의 다문화정책의 역사

III. 호주의 다문화교육 정책과 내용

1. 호주의 다문화교육정책의 역사

2. 호주의 다문화교육의 목적과 내용

IV. 호주 다문화정책과 교육의 비판과 논쟁

1. 호주 다문화정책에 대한 비판과 논쟁

2. 호주 다문화교육의 비판과 논쟁

V. 나오며 : 호주 다문화정책과 교육이 주는 시사점
