최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Edible Insects as a Protein Source: A Review of Public Perception, Processing Technology, and Research Trends

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This review summarizes the current trends related to insect as food resources among consumers, industry, and academia. In Western societies, edible insects have a greater potential as animal feed than as human food because of cultural biases associated with harmful insects, although the abundant characteristics of edible insects should benefit human health. Nevertheless, many countries in Asia, Oceania, Africa, and Latin America utilize insects as a major protein source. Using insects can potentially solve problems related to the conventional food-supply chain, including global water, land, and energy deficits. Academic, industry, and government-led efforts have attempted to reduce negative perceptions of insects through developing palatable processing methods, as well as providing descriptions of health benefits and explaining the necessity of reducing reliance on other food sources. Our overview reveals that entomophagy is experiencing a steady increase worldwide, despite its unfamiliarity to the consumers influenced by Western eating habits.


Industrial Applications of Insects as Food and Feed Sources

Value of Edible Insects as Food Resources

Historical and Current Consumption Patterns of Edible Insects

Prospect of Insects as Food Resources

