최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

특수학교 전공과 입학전형에 대한 담당교사의 견해

Teachers Opinions on Majoring Course of Special School Admission System

  • 31

이 연구의 목적은 지역별 특수학교 전공과 입학전형을 담당하는 교사의 경험과 견해를 들어봄으로써 특수학교 전공과 입학전형에 대한 시사점과 개선방안을 알아보는데 있었다. 이를 위해 전국 9 개 지역, 10개 특수학교에서 전공과 입학전형을 담당한 경험이 있는 교사 10명을 대상으로 면담을실시하였다. 면담으로 얻어진 자료는 포괄적 분석절차에 따라 분석하였다. 분석 결과 ‘입학전형의 정체성 혼란 : 학령연장 VS 직업중점교육’, ‘단위학교에 지워진 입학전형이라는 굴레’, ‘지역차원의 합목적적 전형시스템 구축’의 3개의 상위범주와 9개의 하위범주, 25개의의미단위가 도출되었다. 학부모의 강한 요구와 제한된 입학정원, 형식적이고 혼란스러운 입학전형으로 인하여 연구 참여자들은 특수학교 전공과 운영의 정체성에 대한 논의가 필요하다고 하였다. 또한 지원자격의 문제, 단위학교별 재량평가의 한계, 전형 결과를 수용하기 힘든 학부모 등, 전공과입학전형 운영과 관련하여 단위학교 차원에서 해결하기 어려운 여러 가지 문제가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 개선방안으로는 지역차원의 합목적적 전형시스템 구축이 제시되었다.

The purpose of the present study is to listen to the experiences and opinions of the teachers in charge of majoring in special-education schools and university admissions process for each area, and through this, to raise the effectiveness of the majoring and administration, and to provide practical guidelines and basic data needed for coping with majoring in special-education schools and university admissions process. To achieve these goals, this study set the research question ‘What is the opinion of the teacher in charge concerning majoring in special-education schools and university admissions process?’ To solve the research question, interviews were conducted on 10 teachers who are in charge of majoring in special-education schools and university admissions process in 10 special-education schools in 9 areas. The data coming from the interviews were analyzed by using of a comprehensive analysis process amended for the research purposes. Upper categories and sub-categories were drawn after classifying process while taking into account the mutual context of each unit of meaning by the final coding. The results show first, there is identity confusion in university admissions process. Due to the strong demand from parents, limited entrance quota, and perfunctory university admissions process, the research participants were feeling confusion about whether the identity of the majoring in special-education schools and administration is prolongation of school age or job-centered education. Second, there were difficulties concerning administration of majoring and university admissions due to the loopholes in qualifications for application, limitations in discretionary assessment of each school, and the parents who cannot accept the result of the admissions process. Third, this study proposed plans to improve majoring and university admissions process including setting the standards and frame to select students and building the assessment system at the local level. Base on these results, this study proposed that survey at the national level should be conducted on the conditions of majoring in special-education school and university admissions process as well as research to develop a working guidebook; there should be research from diverse angles including the opinion of the parents of handicapped students, majoring and admissions process in each handicapped area; and there should be a forum to discuss the current majors and identity.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 연구방법

Ⅲ. 결과 및 논의

Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언
