최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

과학 탐구에서 사용한 개념의 일치성

Coherence on Concepts Used in Science Inquiry Activities

  • 17

Recent scientific inquiries emphasize the process by which students make their own observations and find answers. In order to facilitate the inquiry activities, students should use the right scientific concept. The purpose to this study are to analyze the coherence of scientific concept and scientific concept used in the observation, question generation and experimental design stage for 12 elementary and middle school students. To do this, a think-aloud method and a semantic network analysis were used. The conclusions are as follows. First, concepts that are of interest continue to be used in the scientific inquiry stage. Most of these concepts are related to experimental instruments. Second, the concepts of high frequency are representative of the concept network of each process skills. Further researches, it is needed to be done on the coherence of the scientific concept that students use at other stages.

I. Introduction

II. Materials and Methods

III. Results

IV. Conclusions and Suggestions
