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KCI등재 학술저널

한국직업재활학회와 한국직업재활사협회의 역할정립 방안

Roles and Functions of Korea Society of Vocational Rehabilitation and Korea Association of Rehabilitation Counselors

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본 연구는 한국직업재활학회와 한국직업재활사협회의 역할 및 기능 모색과 직업재활사 자격제도에 대한 방향설정에 그 목적이 있다. 1991년에 시작된 한국직업재활학회는 20여년 동안 3,000여명의 직업재활사를 배출하고 장애인직업재활 발전에 많은 기여를 했지만 직업재활사는 장애인복지법의 ‘장애인복지전문인력’에도 장애인고용촉진 및 직업재활법의 ‘장애인직업재활전문요원’에도 들어 있지 않다. 이에 관련 단체인 사회복지, 작업치료, 언어치료 등의 학회와 협회, 그리고 외국 사례들의 비교분석을 통해 한국직업재활학회와 한국직업재활협회의 효과적인 역할과 기능, 직업재활사 자격제도의 개선점을 찾으면서 직업재활사의 전문성 확보방안과 직업재활의 발전방향을 모색하였다. 단기적으로는 직업재활사 자격의 국가공인 방안을 모색하고, 장기적으로는 법률에 근거한 국가자격증으로 직업재활사의 위상을 제고하여 최종적으로 공직임용에 이르기까지 목표로 할 것을 제안하였다.

This purpose of this study was to find the suitable roles and functions of the Korean Society of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Korean Association of Rehabilitation Counselors as well as to establish the direction of the rehabilitation counselor certification system. The Korean Society of Vocational Rehabilitation which started in 1991 has certified approximately 3,000 rehabilitation counselors during the last 20 years and has contributed to the development of vocational rehabilitation system. However the title of rehabilitation counselor is not included in the Persons with Disabilities Welfare Act s ‘rehabilitation professionals nor the Persons with Disabilities Employment Promotion and Vocational Rehabilitation Act s vocational rehabilitation professionals . For this purpose, research was done on related professional organizations such as Korean Societies and Associations of Social Welfare, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy as well as to compare rehabilitation professionals certification system of the United States to find the efficient roles and functions of rehabilitation professionals of the Korean Society of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Korean Association of Rehabilitation Counselor, to improve the defects of the rehabilitation counselor certification system and to seek the direction of development of rehabilitation counselor‘s specialty. The short term goal is to find a solution to make national rehabilitation counselor’s certification system, and the long term goal is to enhance the reputation of rehabilitation counselors founded on the law as a nationally recognized certification and suggests eventually to make public service personnels as a possible goal.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 한국직업재활학회와 한국직업재활사협회의 역할 및 기능

Ⅲ. 관련 전문가 학회와 협회의 역할

Ⅳ. 미국의 재활상담사 자격제도

Ⅵ. 결론 및 제언
