The purposes of the study are to understand the concepts and features of teaching and learning method for an instruction used ICT based education such as the use of application programs, teaching and learning software, web discussions, web simulations, and web adaptive tests, to select the contents of practical arts curriculum suited for them, and to suggest some ways of teaching and learning for ICT based education. First, the use of application programs was concerned with teaching & learning activities of making an entry book for pocket money using Excel, and their practical examples, which can be used in the classroom, were presented. Second, in the case of the use of teaching and learning software, three lesson plans for the use of internet portal sites and teaching & learning software purchased, and how to access internet sites related education around the unit Our lives and wood products were presented Third, for web discussions, two lesson plans for teaching & learning strategies and opening a chat room around the unit The computer and my life were presented. Fourth, in the case of web simulations, teaching & learning activities and some ways to use flash materials through Edunet around the unit making our environment beautiful were devised. Fifth, for computerized adaptive testing, several examples for accessing the web sites for mental tests and using them around the unit The world of works and jobs were presented.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 실과 ICT 활용 교수ㆍ학습 방안
Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언