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KCI등재 학술저널

초등 실과 ‘정보검색과 발표 자료 만들기’ 단원에서 웹을 활용한 프로젝트기반학습(NetPBL)이 과제수행능력에 미치는 효과

The Effects of Networked Project-Based Learning (NetPBL) on Students’ Performance in the unit of Information Retrieval and Presentation Material Preparation’ in Elementary Practical Arts education

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The purpose of the study is to verify the effects of NetPBL on students performance in Information Retrieval and Presentation Material Preparation unit in elementary practical arts education for 6th grade students. The test tool to measure students performance was created based on planning ability, execution ability and execution process evaluation ability required in the stages of NetPBL and information authoring ability required in preparing presentation materials using MS PowerPoint. The validity of the contents of the developed test tool was verified by specialists using a checklist for teachers composed of 15 evaluation items, each of which had 3~5 questions. In addition, the reliability coefficient among evaluators obtained from a preliminary test was .837. The subjects of this study were 70 students of two 6th grade classes in 00 Elementary School. In experimental design, this study adopted the post test only control group design, a type of quasi experimental design. NetPBL was applied to the experiment group and traditional group learning was applied to the control group, and the effects of NetPBL were verified through a post test. Executing ability in NetPBL was evaluated by group using 5 point rating scales. For statistical analysis, t test was carried out in order to test hypothesis at a significance level of 5%. The results of this study are as follows. 1. NetPBL appeared to be effective for general planning ability. With regard to sub items of planning ability, it appeared to be effective for subject classification ability and creative execution planning but not for the selection of the best plan for project execution and cooperative role assignment. 2. NetPBL appeared to be effective for general execution ability. With regard to the sub items of execution ability, it appeared to be effective for systematic screen design ability, cooperative problem solving ability, ability to find out appropriate alternatives for problem solving in execution process and creative approach ability in execution process but not for information retrieval and utilization ability. 3. NetPBL appeared to be effective for general evaluation ability. With regard to the sub items of evaluation ability, it appeared to be effective for ability to find the causes of problems accurately, ability to evaluate execution process and ability to evaluate results by associating them with goals. 4. NetPBL appeared to be ineffective for general information authoring ability. With regard to the sub items of information authoring ability, it appeared to be effective only for the fidelity of presentation contents.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 문헌 고찰

Ⅲ. 연구 방법

Ⅳ. 연구 결과 및 논의

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언
