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KCI등재 학술저널

SWOT 전략에 기초한 공업 기술 계열 교사 연수 프로그램 발전 방안

A Study on Developing In-Service Education Programs of Industrial Technical and Technology Teachers through SWOT Analysis

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The purpose of this study was to analyze the current status of the in-service education programs of industrial technical and technology teachers and to make suggestion for its development. To analyze their current status, surveying the educated teachers s satisfaction to the in-service education programs of industrial technical and technology teachers which was conducted by the engineering college, Chungnam National University, summer in 2004. Based on the problems shown by the survey, it was suggested fourteen strategies and thirty-nine action plans to develop the in-service education programs make use of SWOT analysis. Fourteen strategies are as follows ; ․SO-1. Strengthening of the teacher oriented in-service education programs, SO-2. Establishing the course of in-service education by teacher career cycles, SO-3. Establishing the course of industry-academic cooperation programs. ․WO-1. Securing of the specialist for manage the in-service education programs, WO-2. Organizing of the management committee for in-service education programs. ․ST-1. Draw up a plan for in-service education programs of industrial technical and technology teachers, ST-2. Constructing the cooperation system with other institute of in-service education programs, ST-3. Managing the course based on the teacher s pre-needs. ․WT-1. Cooperating with the research institute, WT-2. Securing and utilizing the lecturer of superior ability, WT-3. Improving the treatment of the lecturer, WT-4. Reinforcing the proficiency of teacher through innovated the teaching method, WT-5. Organizing of the evaluation committee, WT-6. Establishing the cyber in-service education programs.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 공업기술계열 교사 연수 프로그램의 만족도

Ⅲ. 공업기술계열 교사 연수 프로그램의 발전 방안 : SWOT 분석

Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언
