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KCI등재 학술저널

SWOT 분석을 통한 기술교육 발전 전략 도출

Developmental Strategies of Technology Education through SWOT Analysis

  • 27

The purpose of this study was to suggest the improvement plan of technology education through finding strategies. To find strategies SWOT analysis was used. In this article, strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat factors of technology education were identified as follows; 1) Strength factors of technology education: lay weight on creative thinking, various approaches to solve problem, doing and practice, and hybrid. 2) Weakness factors of technology education: no sequence in organizing curriculum, no relation between content categories, lack of teacher training facilities, and lack of specialists of technology education. 3) Opportunity factors of technology education: formation of issue about engineering and natural sciences s importance, trends of advanced countries improving technology education, and context of integrated education. 4) Threat factors of technology education: low degree of awareness and level of likeness about subject, and extension of cyber culture. In this study, 7 strategies were extracted through SWOT analysis, and these are as follows; 1) Standing out technology education that lay weight on creative thinking and practical problem solving to overcome crisis of national competitive power. 2) Emphasizing values and capabilities of technology education that include multi area in the knowledge based society obscured boundary among the areas. 3) Promoting the sequence in organizing curriculum, and set up relation between content categories in the context of integrated education. 4) Expanding teacher training facilities for technology education in the context of increasing national competitive power. 5) Strengthening public information to stand out the values of technology education for increasing national competitive power. 6) Developing activity projects embodied creative thinking and practical problem solving to firm the necessity and attraction of technology education. 7) Securing the number of specialists and expanding technology teacher s capability to strengthen technology education.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. SWOT 분석

Ⅲ. SWOT 분석을 통한 전략 도출

Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언
