The purpose of this study was to explore the improvement of external and internal organization of the 「Technology」 Textbook. This study was carried out through literature review on textbook and questionnaire survey. 187 teachers were selected by purposive sampling method and 71 data were collected. The statistical methods utilized in this study were descriptive statistics as mean and standard deviation. The main findings of this research were as follows:1. The perception of teachers on the external and internal organization of technology textbook was fall below the average. The mean scores of external organization domain was 3.01 and internal organization was 2.42.2. Several improvement directions of external and internal organization were suggested to reform the technology textbook.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 교과서의 구성 요인
Ⅲ. 현행 교과서에 대한 교사의 인식
Ⅳ. 기술 교과서의 외적 체제와 내적 체제의 개선 방안
Ⅵ. 결론 및 제언