중학교 ‘재료의 이용’ 단원에서 모듈식 실습 수업이 기술 교과 흥미도 및 학업성취도에 미치는 효과 - 학지사ㆍ교보문고 스콜라
최근 검색어 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

중학교 ‘재료의 이용’ 단원에서 모듈식 실습 수업이 기술 교과 흥미도 및 학업성취도에 미치는 효과

The Effect of Modular Practice Instruction on Interest to Technology Subject and Academic Achievement in the lesson of Utilization of Materials in Middle School

The purpose of this study was to verify effects of modular practice instruction on student interest to technology subject and academic achievement in the lesson of Utilization of Materials in middle school.Four kinds of null hypotheses were formulated. 2 classes 2nd grade of ○○ middle school in Gyeong-nam were divided into experimental group and control group in order to verify null hypotheses. In the experimental design, The Static Group Pretest-posttest Design model was utilized.This experiment was conducted for 8 classes, the experimental group was applied to modular practice instruction and the control group was applied to traditional practice instruction. Window SPSS 12.0 korean language version program was used for the data analysis and independent sample t-test was used to identify the average of each group. Significance level was set to .05 level.The results of this study were as follows;First, modular practice instruction had effect on the interest to technology subject. Especially, these instruction had effect on the following sub-elements; attention(A) and relevance(R). Second, modular practice instruction had effect on the interest to technology subject of lower level group. Especially, these instruction had effect on the following sub-elements; attention(A) and confidence(C). Third, modular practice instruction didn t have effect on the academic achievement. However, these instruction had effect on the following sub-domains; affective domain and psychomotor domain.Fourth, modular practice instruction had effect on the academic achievement of lower level group. Especially, these instruction had effect on the following sub-domain; psychomotor domain.
