The purposes of this study was subjected a scheme to improve technical high school “2+1system” curriculum. The method of the study for carrying out the study is as follows: First, the realities of management were analyzed through the preceding study related with technical high school “2+1system” and the plan of school education of technical high school “2+1system” management school. Second, the conference of the teacher in charge of technical high school management school and the person in charge of the department related with Education City and Province Hall was held. Third, the question search was practiced to all school subjects in the whole country through the electronic document with the help of ministry of education & human resources development(N=930). The effect of the study is as follows. First, the thing which is formed in the schools and industries of technical high school “2+1system” curriculum formation must be made to manage according to the seventh curriculum. Second, the field practice of the present type must be made to carry out in technical high school as well during the third grade(mid term, final term). Third, the curriculum formation by system improvement and the completed unit(216 unit) are drawn up according to the seventh curriculum.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 공고「2ㆍ1체제」교육과정 운영 및 실태
Ⅲ. 공고「2ㆍ1체제」교육과정 체제 개선에 대한 요구 분석
Ⅳ. 공고「2ㆍ1체제」교육과정 체제 개선 방안
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언