최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

공황장애의 수면과 야간 공황발작

Sleep in Panic Disorder and Nocturnal Panic Attack

  • 158

Sleep disturbance is a one of common complaints among patients with panic disorder. However, clinicians and researchers did not give much attention to the sleep symptoms of panic disorder yet. Several previous studies suggested that the sleep disturbance in panic disorder is mediated by nocturnal panic attack. In terms of the pathophysiology of panic disorder, nocturnal panic attack seems to be closely associated with the sleep problems in panic disorder. In this article, the authors reviewed various previous studies about sleep of panic disorder and intended to give importance of evaluating sleep disturbances and nocturnal panic attack in panic disorder for both clinical and research purpose.

서 론

공황장애에서 수면 이상의 병태생리

수면 구조의 변화

야간 공황발작의 병태생리

야간 공황발작의 임상적 의의

결 론
