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혈액투석을 받는 만성신부전 환자 에서 하지불안증후군과 삶의 질

Restless Legs Syndrome and Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients

  • 26

목 적:혈액투석을 받고 있는 만성신부전 환자들에서 하지불안증후군(restless legs syndrome, RLS)의 발생빈도와 삶의 질과의 관계에 대한 연관성을 평가하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 방 법:고대안암병원 인공신장실에서 만성신부전증으로 혈액투석 중인 83명의 환자들을 대상으로 직접 면담과 설문지를 통해 International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group(IRLSSG) 진단기준에 합당한 지를 검사하였고 International Restless Legs Scale(IRLS), Athens insomnia scale(AIS), Epworth sleepiness scale(ESS), Medical Outcome Study Short Form-36(SF-36)을 설문지를 통해 측정하였다. 또한 각 환자들의 정신적 상태와 우울증에 대한 선별을 위해 Clinical Global Impression(CGI)와 Hamilton Depression Rating Scale(HDRS)을 시행하였다. 결 과:31명(37.3%)이 IRLSSG 진단기준에 합당한 RLS 환자로 판명이 되었고 RLS 증상을 가지는 환자들은 51.8%에 이르렀다. RLS로 판정된 경우에는 높은 AIS, ESS, HDRS, CGI 점수와 통계적으로 유의한 관련성이 있었다. 또한 RLS 환자로 판정된 경우 낮은 SF-36 총점, 신체적 정신적 요소 점수를 보였고 특히 세부항목으로는 낮은 신체적 역할 제한, 전반적인 건강상태, 신체적 역할제한, 정신적 역할제한, 정신건강 점수와 통계적으로 유의한 관련성이 있었다. 결 론:혈액투석을 하는 만성신부전 환자에서 높은 RLS 유병률을 보이고 있다. RLS를 동반한 경우는 동반하지 않은 경우보다 전반적인 삶의 질의 저하를 보였고 세부적으로는 역할의 제한, 전반적인 건강 및 정신건강 상태 항목에서의 저하가 뚜렷하게 나타났다.

Objective: Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is known to be associated with chronic renal failure (CRF) patients on hemodialysis, however the prevalence of RLS in CRF patients on hemodialysis is variable due to different diagnostic criteria or dialysis technique. A few reports have indicated the association between RLS symptom and lower life quality in CRF patients on hemodialysis. This study aims to investigate the prevalence of RLS and its association with the quality of life in CRF patients of a single dialysis unit in Korea. Methods: A total of 83 Korean CRF patients on hemodialysis in the Korea University Hospital were examined. International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group (IRLSSG) criteria and International Restless Legs Scale (IRLS) were used to determine the diagnosis and severity of RLS. Questionnaires including Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS), Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS), and Medical Outcome Study Form-36 (SF-36) were administered to all the patients for the assessment of sleep and quality of life. Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) and Clinical Global Impression (CGI) were also measured for depression and status of mental illness by psychiatrist. Results: Of the 83 patients, 31 (37.3%) patients were found to have RLS and 43 (51.8%) patients met at least one of the RLS diagnostic criteria. The AIS (t=2.40, p=0.019), ESS (t=2.41, p=0.018), HDRS (t=3.85, p<0.001) and CGI (t=3.52, p=0.001) were higher in the subjects with RLS compared to other subjects. The SF-36 scores were significantly lower in the patients with RLS except physical functioning and bodily pain. Total (p=0.005), physical component (p=0.019), and mental component scores (p=0.019) of SF-36 were significantly lower in patients with more severe RLS symptoms. Conclusion: There was significant relationship between RLS and poor quality of sleep and life. More severe RLS symptom was proven to be an important factor to make a quality of life worsen.

서 론

연구대상 및 방법

결 과

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