Sleep apnea syndrome is a common clinical disorder characterized by intermittent cessation of airflow at nose and mouth during sleep. The clinical significance of this syndrome is that it is one of the most common causes of excessive daytime sleepiness. It can also cause neuropsychiatric, cardiovascular, and cerebrovascular complications. The standard for diagnosis of sleep apnea syndrome is nocturnal polysomnography. Because polysomnography is a time-consuming and expensive test, many efforts have been made to replace polysomnography with a simpler system of monitoring, but no method has yet been approved as a definitive investigation method. The goals of treatment for this syndrome are to eliminate excessive daytime sleepiness and to reduce the risk of possible cardiovascular complications. Continuous positive airway pressure is the most definite and widely accepted treatment for achieving these goals. Other treatments such as surgical treatment, oral appliances, and behavioral therapy may be useful for selected patients who are mildly affected.
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