최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

임상실제에서의 수면과 간질

Sleep and Epilepsy in Clinical Practice fears, rages, deliria, leaps out of bed and seizures during the night - Hippocrates

Sleep and Epilepsy either represent the opposite and independent spectrum of episodic manifestations from brain or closely interact with each other. Sleep or sleep deprivation may provoke epileptic seizures or activate epileptiform discharges in epilepsy patients whereas epilepsy may alter the sleep structure. Sleep stages are also known to influence pathophysiology of seizures in terms of ictogenesis. In this review, the impact of sleep on epilepsy as well as that of epilepsy on sleep are presented. Additionally the interaction between sleep and epilepsy will be discussed. This review will also comment on the differential diagnosis between nocturnal or sleep-related epilepsy and various sleep disorders. Finally, clinical application of the above perspectives of sleep and epilepsy will be suggested for the purpose of a better management of epilepsies.



