최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

수면의학(睡眠醫學)에 있어서 지필(紙筆) 척도(尺度)의 활용(活用) -과도한 주간 졸음과 일주기리듬의 평가를 중심으로-

Usefulness of Various Questionnaires in the Assessment of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and Circadian Rhythm

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수면의학에서 사용되는 여러 설문지 검사중 과도한 주간졸음과 일주기리듬의 평가를 위한 것들을 소개하고 그 장단점과 특성을 검토하였다. 임상수면의학, 산업의학, 혹은 역학조사에서 이러한 지필척도의 활용이 요구되고 있으나 아직 객관적 타당성이 충분히 검토되지 못했으므로 추후연구가 요구된다. 타당성을 제고할 임상, 혹은 교대근무상황에서의 연구가 더욱 확장되어야 할 것이다.

Recently excessive daytime sleepiness was found to have relations with various social, occupational, and health problems. This condition is common symptom of several sleep disorders, among which sleep apnea syndrome is most contributive. It is essential to assess daytime sleepiness exactly for the diagnosis of such sleep disorders. Multiple sleep latency test which is a valid and objective measurement technique of sleepiness is time and cost consuming, and so there is increasing need of scales measuring general level of daytime sleepiness which are quick and simple to perform for clinical and research purpose. And also, there have been a lot of sleep researches viewing sleep as a chronobiological process, especially in the study of circadian type of shift workers. In these studies they used various techniques of multiple demensions to assess sleepiness or circadian rhythm which concerns various psychological variables. Of these measurement techniques circadian type questionnaires might have some problems in their psychometric properties. So some of these morningness-eveningness questionnaires have been revised and more valid scales are being suggested by different authors. The author briefly reviewed various measurement techniques of sleepiness and circadian rhythm and introduced recently developed scales which are more valid allegedly, and finally discussed psychometric properties of these morningness-eveningness questionnaires.


