Objectives: The Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is characterized by snoring, observed apnea during sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness. The overnight polysomnographic recording is used to investigate patients with possible obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. But the overnight polysomnographic recording is time consuming, expensive, and labor-intensive. Recently in diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, several simple screening tests have been suggested. Methods: This study was performed to assess the probability of application of clinical features and the degree of oxygen desaturation as a screening test for the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. The sensitivity and specificity of the self-report of clinical features including snoring, observed apnea during sleep, excessive daytime sleepiness and insomnia were tested. And the degree of oxygen desaturation measured by oximetry in 42 subjects were compared with the overnight polysomnographic recording results. Results: In the prediction of apnea index more than 5, the sensitivity of observed apnea during sleep, snoring, excessive daytime sleepiness and insomnia were 96.8%, 93.5%, 38.7%, 25.8% and the specificity of those clinical features were 182%, 36.4%, 100%, 72.7%, respectively. In the prediction of apnea index more than 5, the sensitivity and specificity of the combination of more than three self-report clinical features were 54.8% and 90.9%. The degree of oxygen de saturation and maximal apnea duration in the group of apnea index more than 5 were significantly different from those in the group of apnea index below 5(P<0.001). And the apnea index was significantly correlated with the degree of oxygen desaturation and maximal apnea duration(P<0.001). Conclusion: These results suggest that application of clinical features alone as a screening test for the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is inadequate because of it s high rate of false positive and false negative results. The degree of oxygen desaturation measured by oximetry is possibly applicable to screening test and follow up evaluation of treatment efficacy for the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
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