최근 검색어 전체 삭제

청소년 결핵 환자에서 섭식 태도 및 체형 만족도에 대한 조사

The Survey of Diet Attitude and Body Shape Satisfaction in Adolescent Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis

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Malnutrition and weight change are well-known features o f tuberculosis. Some recent reports have suggested that aggressive weight reduction can give rise to active tuberculosis. Our study was conducted to evaluate the impact o f diet attitude and body shape satisfaction on the incidence o f pulmonary tuberculosis in adolescents. A survey was conducted on diet attitude and body shape satisfaction using questionnaires for comparison o f thoughts and behavior regarding weight reduction between active pulmonary patients and healthy adolescents. We enrolled 39 patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis and the control group included 282 healthy adolescents. We compared diet attitude and body shape satisfaction between the two groups. No difference in diet attitude and body shape satisfaction was observed between the two groups. No statistically significant difference was observed in 24 questions on diet attitude and 36 questions on body shape satisfaction. Although aggressive weight reduction predisposes the onset o f tuberculosis, diet attitude and thoughts about self body shape did not differ between patients with active tuberculosis and healthy adolescents. However, survey o f more tuberculosis patients is needed in order to confirm the effect o f diet attitude and body shape satisfaction on incidence o f tuberculosis.

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