최근 검색어 전체 삭제

BEP요법에 의한 위암의 완전 관해 1례

Complete Remission of the Stomach Cancer by Chemotherapy BEP Regimen

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A 55 year-old female was diagnosed as having a granulosa cell tumor of the ovary with extra-ovarian extension and involvement of the omentum. Findings on esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) and pathology indicated a diagnosis of stomach cancer (signet ring cell carcinoma). The first cycle BEP (bleomycyin, etoposide and platinum) regimen was administered on postoperative day 20. After the sixth cycle, the size of ovarian cancer decreased by approximately 58%. EGD and pathology showed no definitive previous malignant lesion in the stomach, only chronic gastritis. Therefore, we reported complete remission of the stomach cancer by the BEP regimen.

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