최근 검색어 전체 삭제

슬관절 반월상 연골 낭종의 관절경척 치료

Arthroscopic Treatment of The Meniscus Cyst of The Knee

Background and Purpose: Decompression and Landsiedl outside to inside technique for meniscal cysts didn t need the special device, could allow both horizontal and vertical suture, also provided secure and safe method for posterior horn repair and reduce the recurrence rate. The purpose of this study is to eval니ate arthroscopic repair of meniscal cyst by Landsiedl technique. Material and methods: W e chose 8 cases of meniscal cysts, whose ages ranged from 16 from 49 years old. We performed meniscal closure and evaluate the result by Glasgow scale and clinical findings. Results: Two patient revealed excellent and 6 showed good result by Glasgow measurement scale. Conclusion: Cyst decompression and Landsiedl outside to inside technique considered one of the satisfactory methods for the treatment of meniscal cyst.

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