최근 검색어 전체 삭제

뇌졸중으로 인한 실어증 환자의 언어 재활치료

Speech Rehabilitation for patients with Aphasia secondary to Stroke

  • 247

Aphasia in adults occurs secondary to cortical or subcortical disease such as stroke to the languagedominant left hemisphere. Aphasia is an acquired communication disorder characterized by an impairment of language modalities, speaking, listening, reading and writing. Stroke is the most common cause of aphasia. It can be classified into specific syndromes according to the ability to produce, understand, repeat language, and fluency. There are several syndromes of aphasia such as Broca s aphasia, Wernicke s aphasia, conduction aphasia, global aphasia, transcortical motor aphasia, transcortical sensory aphasia, anomic aphasia and each is associated with a particular set of language capabilities and disabilities. Global aphasia is when both expressive and receptive problems are present. Treatment by speech therapist is based on a careful assessment of all communication modalities: speaking, listening, reading, and writing for restoration of speech and language abilities, and treatment was individualized. Common methods of speech therapy are auditory stimulation approach, melodic intonation therapy, and visual action therapy. The primary treatment for aphasia is speech therapy that focuses on relearning and practicing language skills and using alternative or supplementary communication methods. The purpose of speech therapy is to help the patient to fully utilize remaining skills and to learn compensatory means of communication. Parents’ families are very important in the rehabilitation process. In the recovery from aphasia the importance of an interested spouse, family or communication partner and environmental support. The importance of application of the specific methods and therapies for the rehabilitation of aphasic patients is pointed out.

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