최근 검색어 전체 삭제

비흑색종 피부암에서 고에너지 X -선 방사선치료

High Energy X-ray radiotherapy for nonmelanoma skin cancer

Purpose: To evaluated the efficacy of radiotherapy in the nonmelanoma skin cancer. Materials and Methods: Eleven patients were diagnosed as nonmelanoma skin cancer of the head and trunk. There were 9 women and 2 men. The mean age was 70 years with a range of 35 years to 93 years. Seven patients had squamous cell carcinoma and 4 patients had basal cell carcinoma. The mean tumor size was 3.1 cm (range 1 to 8 cm). All patients were treated with 6-megavoltage X-ray radiotherapy. Mean biological effective dose (BED2) was 50.9 Gy/43 days (range: 37.5 to 59.4 Gy). Median follow-up period was 49 months (range: 18 to 107 months). Resuls: The local tum or control was 100% and median disease free survival time was 30 months. Local recurrence was noted in 3 patients and distant metastasis in 1 patient. Affecting factor in local recurrence was only radiation dose. By BED2 , median survival time was 30 months for >45 Gy and 12 months for <45 Gy (p=0.027). Radiotherapy related chronic complication was observed in 1 patient. Conclusions: High energy X-ray radiotherapy is an effective and safe treatment for nonmelanoma skin cancer, although the number of patients is small.

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