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편두통을 주소로 방문한 소아에서 발견된 승모판 탈출증 1례

A Case of Mitral Valve Prolapse with Patient who visited as Migraine

There is a significant association between migraine and mitral valve prolapse (MVP). Increased platelet aggregability and emboli from abnormal valve may be related to migraine. Both migraine and MVP show platelet dysfunctions and an increased risk of transient ischemic attacks and stroke. Litman and Friedman first described an unusual freq니ency of migraine suffers (27.8%) among patients with MVP. A prevalence MVP in adult migraine suffers (20.5%) higher than in the general population (6%). There have been no cases reported in Korea. We present a case of MVP patient who visited as migraine with a brief review of related literature.

서 론

증 례

고 찰
