최근 검색어 전체 삭제

광주의 한 이차병원에서 조사한 결핵약제 내성과 관련인자

Antituberculosis Drug Resistance and Associated Factors Investigated in a Secondary Hospital in Gwangju

Background and objectives: Drug resistance is a major obstacle to the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). This sUidy was conducted to determine the prevalence of drug-resistant tuberculosis and its associated factors at a secondary hospital in Gwangju. Materials and Methods: A retrospective one-center analysis was conducted, with 346 pulmonarytuberculosis patients who underwent drug susceptibility tests for M. tuberculosis at Gwangju Christian Hospital from March 2005 to February 2006. Results: The following percentages of objects were found to be resistant to at least one drug and to have multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), respectively: 43.4% and 20.8% of all the subjects; according to the severity of the chest X-ray findings, 36.3% and 6.2% in the mild group, 36.1% and 22.6% in the moderate group, and 61.0% and 35.0% in the far- advanced group; according to the presence of a cavitary lesion, 49.8% in the cavitarylesion group and 34.0% in the noncavitarylesion group and according to the history of previous tuberculosis treatment, 81.2% in the group who have had treatment and 19.7% in the group who have never had treatment. The resistance rate according to the regularity of antituberculosis drug medication was 31.7% in the regular medication group and 59.7% in the irregular medication group. Conclusion: The drug resistance rate was increased by the history of previous tuberculosis treatment and the irregular medication. As to whether the severity of chest X-ray findings and the presence of cavitary lesions have a correlation with drug resistance, prospective studies are needed for more accurate results.

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