최근 검색어 전체 삭제

자궁속환경이 태생기 및 신생아기의 뇌발달에 미치는 영향

Influences of the Intrauterine Environment on Brain Development During Fetal and Neonatal Life

  • 19

The intrauterine environment can significantly affect fetal and neonatal brain development. A number of animal models have been established in an attempt to replicate and better understand the mechanisms associated with the development of neuropathologies associated with many neurological disorders in the preterm and term infant, including white matter damage and alterations in neuronal survival and growth. Here I review recent findings using animal models that mimic suboptimal intrauterine conditions. This review will focus on acute and chronic prenatal hypoxic/ischemic injury and infective/inflammatory insults. Relatively brief periods of fetal hypoxia can have significant effects on the fetal brain causing neuronal loss, cerebral white matter damage and reduced growth of neural processes. Chronic mild placental insufficiency can result in fetal growth restriction and long term deficits in neuronal connectivity affecting function postnatally as demonstrated in the auditory and visual systems. Exposure of the preterm fetus to inflammatory agents causes brain damage particularly in the subcortical white matter and in some cases periventricular leukomalacia. These studies show that the nature, timing and severity of prenatal insults are determinants of the outcomes, and thus the extent to which neurological function will be affected.

뇌 발달에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 요인

실험동물 모델 (Experimental animal models)

결 론
