최근 검색어 전체 삭제

혈청내 B형 간염 바이러스 DNA 정량을 위한 실시간 중합효소연쇄 반응분석기 성능비교

Comparison of the Performance of Real-time PCR Analysers for Quantitation of Serum HBV DNA

Background and Objective: Numerous quantitative methods for quantitation of HBV DNA were developed for monitoring the efficacy of treatment of chronic hepatitis B management. In these quantitative methods, real-time quantitative PCR (RQ-PCR) have been concerned. But the comparison studies among analysers for RQ-PCR (RQ-Analysers) were hardly seen. The aim of this study was to compare the performance among commonly used three open RQ-Analysers for quantitation of HBV DNA. Materials and Methods: We analyzed 81 serum samples tested previously with VERS ANT HBV DNA 1.0 (bDNAl.O) assay. They were examined by RQ-PCR using Taqman technique with three RQ-Analysers namely Rotor-Gene 3000 (R3000), Opticon2 System (Opt2), and ABI PRISM 7000 (A7000). We evaluated linear range, intra-assay variations and inter-assay variations. And these results were compared with each other and with bDNAl.O. Results: RQ-PCR performed by R3000,Opt2 and A 7000 show ed sim ilar linear range (5 x 10 2 108 copies/m L), intra-assay variations (2.2-20.9% , 9 .0 -1 4 .2% and 4.9-24.8%, respectively) and inter-assay variations (15.1-25.7%, 14.9-20.2% and 10.8-26.0%, respectively). They showed an excellent correlation with each other (R2=0.958-0.978,p<0.05) and with bDNAl.O assay (R2=0.884-0.9, p<0.05). Conclusion: All of the three RQ-PCR analysers were comparable with one another in the aspect of linear range and reproducibility. We consider all three RQ-Analysers to be good platforms for RQ-PCR of HBV DNA quantitation.

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대상 및 방법

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