최근 검색어 전체 삭제

일 지역 장기요양시설 노인의 간호요구

Survey of Nursing Needs of the Elderiy in a Long-Term Care Facility

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify nursing needs of elderly people in long-term care facility. It was done to provide basic data for management of health, and skilled nursing according to the characteristics of the elderly in long-term care facility. Methods: The subjects were 28 elderly people in long-term care facility. Data were collected from the twenty-eight of October in 2005 to the eighteen of November in 2005 through face to face interviews using a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire included the UTMB (University of Texas Medical Branch) Home Health Agency health needs scale modified by Kim (2002). The data was analyzed by descriptive statisctics, and the Mann-Whitney test with the SPSS program. Results: The general characteristics were over 70 years of age (67.9%), in marital status, bereavement was high (64.3%),a care provider was absent (82.1%), the number of diseases over 2 (82.1%); the majority of the respondents have no house (85.7%); and living arrangements were solitary or with a married son and daughter. The mean score of nursing need was 31.0,and in the sub area, the need for disease knowledge was highest. Nursing need according to daily living activity implementation ability showed a significant difference in physical (Z=-2.976, p=0.003), and psychological (Z=-2.112, p=0.035) nursing needs. Conclusion: The result analysed that nursing need was highest in the need disease knowledge, also nursing need according to daily living activity implementation ability showed a significant difference in physical (especially, nervous, urinary, and musculoskeletal systems) and psychological areas. Therefore, there is the need for a development of the health education program related to geriatric disease for the elderly in the long-term care facility and a placement of gerontological specialist nurse to provide for skilled nursing care in the long-term care facility.

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