Eisenmenger씨 증후군을 동반한 중수돌기염 천공에 의한 복막염 환자의 마취경험 -증례보고-
Anesthetic Management of Peritonitis due to Appendiceal Perforation In Patient with Eisenmenger s Syndrome -A case report-
- 조선대학교 의학연구원
- The Medical Journal of Chosun University
- 제32권 제3호
- 2007.10
- 79 - 83 (5 pages)
Eisenmenger s syndrome includes any condition in which communication between the pulmonary and systemic circulation gives rise to pulmonary vascular disease causing a right to left shunt with peripheral cyanosis. It can occur with complex congenital cardiac malformations, such as septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus. We report a case of a 58-year-old woman with an emergency operation for peritonitis due to appendiceal perforation and Eisenmenger s syndrome secondary to large ventricular septal defect. We carefully performed balanced anesthesia with air-Ch-desflurane-remifentanil. She was transferred to the intensive care unit in intubated state postoperatively and discharged two weeks later without any complications.
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