고등학교 지구과학 교과 ‘대기의 변화’ 단원에서 Jigsaw Ⅱ 협동학습이 학생의 과학 탐구능력, 과학에 대한 태도, 창의적 인성에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Jigsaw Ⅱ Cooperative Learning on Students’ Science Process Skills, Attitude toward Science, and Creative Personality in ‘Atmosphere changes’ chapter in High School Earth Science Curriculum
- 한국교원대학교 뇌기반교육연구소
- Brain, Digital, & Learning
- 제9권 제4호
- : KCI등재
- 2019.12
- 293 - 306 (14 pages)
This study proposed a Teaching-Learning process in the Earth Science curriculum using the Jigsaw II Cooperative Learning Model. By applying this Model, the effects on Students Science Process Skills, Attitude toward Science, and Creative Personality were analyzed. Using the 2015 revised curriculum and Teaching-Learning materials reflecting the 2015 revised curriculum, the achievement standards and learning goals of each small unit were established and the study topics and sub-topics were selected. Based on this Model, the Teaching-Learning plan of a total of 6 classes was devised and the Teaching-Learning plan was modified and supplemented with the data collected by conducting two content feasibility checks on a group of experts and pilot tests on students. Using the proposed Teaching-Learning plan, Teaching-Learning was conducted on 100 sophomore male students who chose Earth Science I at a high school in Songpa-gu, Seoul. According to the result, Students’ Science Process Skills showed 7.55 points(p<0.05) higher than pre-tests. The attitude toward Science, which is the affective domain, also showed 23.24 points(p<0.05) higher than pre-test, and it had a significant positive effect on Creative Personality(p<0.05). In addition, in terms of learning, this led to students higher interest in learning, active participation in learning, and a positive atmosphere. Therefore, Teaching-Learning using the Jigsaw II Cooperative Learning Model in high school Earth Science curriculum has a positive effect on Students Science Process Skills, Attitude toward Science, and Creative Personality, and can be presented as a new alternative to teacher-led teaching classes.
I. Introduction
II. Theoretical Background
III. Materials and Methods
IV. Results and Discussions
V. Conclusion