최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

대학생의 소집단 물리 문제풀이 협업 활동에서 나타난 언어적 상호작용 유형의 특징

Characteristics of Verbal Interaction Types in Small Group Collaborative Physics Problem-Solving Activity of College Students

  • 63

The purpose of this study is to typify the patterns of interaction and analyze the characteristics of verbal interaction while solving physics problems in small groups. As a result, the interaction patterns appeared as dominant-type, partial participation-type and all participation-type, according to the number of members who practically contributed to for solving problems. In the dominant-type, the statement frequency and the rate of high level statement are low. The partly participation-type show higher figures than the one way-type in the statement frequency, the rate of high level statement. On the other hand, in the all participation-type, the statement frequency and the rate of high level statement are very high, especially in the Positive Expansion and Logical Argument. Because the type have a communication of higher quality than the other types.

I. Introduction

II. Materials and Methods

III. Results

IV. Conclusions and Implications
