After coming to power, Xi Jinping has continuously announced his political conviction, novel view of values, new thoughts and theories through the various kinds of mass media. A comprehensive understanding of these contents allows us to examine Xi Jinping’s intention of building Chinese national ideology, and the process of change and settlement of his ideas. This paper aims to explore the following issues based on the Xi Jinping’s statements. Chapter 2 examines the process and time-background where the ideas of Marx·Mao Zedong, and China specific ideology of Socialism become the sources of Xi Jinping’s Ideology formation. Chapter 3 deals with the contents and function of the China dream which is the fundamental aim of Xi Jinping’s Ideology formation. Chapter 4 focuses on the historical value of Xi Jinping’s Ideology formation.
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 习近平意识形态建設의 理论的渊源과 时代背景
Ⅲ. 习近平意识形态建設의 主要目標와 機能
Ⅳ. 习近平意识形态建設의 時代的价值
Ⅴ. 맺는말