요추부 디스크 탈출증으로 오인된 좌골 신경병증과 연관된 국소 탈신경 근육염
Focal denervation myositis associated with sciatic neuropathy misdiagnosed as lumbar herniated nucleus pulposus
- 조선대학교 의학연구원
- The Medical Journal of Chosun University
- 제44권 제1호
- 2019.04
- 49 - 52 (4 pages)
Focal myositis is a rare disease associated with inflammatory changes invading the skeletal muscles and may be triggered by nerve lesion. We describe a case of 33-year-old woman who was diagnosed focal denervation myositis of piriformis and gluteal muscles associated with sciatic neuropathy because of severe uterine enlargement due to twin pregnancy misdiagnosed as lumbar herniated nucleus pulposus. MRI is one of the key diagnostic tools in the assessment of focal denervation myositis for differential diagnosis. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are commonly used for treatment of focal myositis. Spontaneous regression is obtained in numerous cases.