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KCI등재 학술저널

중등학교 가정교과 식생활교육을 위한 청소년의 우유 섭취, 영양 섭취 및 체력과의 관계 연구

A Study on the Relationship between Milk Consumption, Dietary Nutrient Intake and Physical Strength of Adolescents in Middle and Small-Sized Cities in Korea for Dietary Education of Home Economics Subject at Middle and High Schools

DOI : 10.19031/jkheea.2016.
  • 63

본 연구는 청소년의 우유 섭취, 영양 섭취 및 체력 간의 관계를 알아보고자 실시되었다. 시도교육청과 학교의 협조를 받아 선정한 중소도시에 거주하는 298명의 청소년을 대상으로 평소 식사 및 체력장 기록을 조사하였다. 우유&#65381;유제품 섭취는 식사조사를 이용해 파악하였고, 우유&#65381;유제품으로 섭취한 1일 평균 칼슘 섭취량을 우유 200 mL 중의 칼슘 함량과 비교해 1일 평균 우유칼슘당량을 구하였다. 식사조사는 식사기록법에 의해 주중 2일과 주말 1일을 포함하는 3일간 실시하였고, 식사조사지의 식사 내용을 CAN-Pro 3.0에 입력해 영양소 섭취량을 구한 후 1일 평균 영양소 섭취량을 산출하였다. 체력장 기록은 학교에서 정규적으로 실시하는 자료에 따랐다. 조사 대상 청소년의 1일 평균 우유칼슘당량은 우유칼슘당량을 기준으로 분류한 저섭취군(≤0.29/일), 중섭취군(0.30-0.78/일), 고섭취군(0.79-5.66/일)에서 모두 권장 수준인 ‘2’보다 낮아 조사대상자의 우유 섭취가 전반적으로 부족하였다. 1일 평균 우유칼슘당량이 높을수록 50 m 달리기와 제자리멀리뛰기 기록이 유의적으로 높았다. 그리고 대부분의 에너지 영양소, 비타민, 무기질의 1일 평균 섭취량과 50 m 달리기, 제자리멀기뛰기, 오래달리기 기록이 높은 방향으로 유의적인 상관관계가 있었다(p<0.05). 따라서 청소년기에 우유 섭취와 함께 균형잡힌 영양 섭취를 하면 체력 향상에 도움이 되므로 중등학교 가정교과의 식생활교육에서 청소년기에 1일 2컵의 우유 섭취를 실천하도록 지도해야 하며 아울러 중등학교의 학교우유급식 활성화를 위한 제도적 뒷받침도 이루어질 필요가 있다고 하겠다.

This study was performed to investigate the relationship between milk consumption, dietary nutrient intake, and physical strength in Korean adolescents for dietary education of home economics subject at middle and high schools. Intake of milk and milk products, that of dietary nutrients, and physical strength records were surveyed for 298 high school students resided in small and medium-sized cities in Korea. Intake of milk and milk products was collected from three-day dietary survey, and daily dairy equivalent of calcium was calculated by dividing daily calcium intake(mg) from milk and milk products by calcium content(200 mg) of 200 mL milk. Dietary survey was performed during three days including two-weekdays and one-weekend by food record method. Dietary nutrient intake was analyzed by CAN-Pro 3.0. Physical strength records were offered from subjects’ schools. Subjects were divided into low intake group(≤0.29/d), medium intake group(0.30-0.78/d) and high intake group(0.79-5.66/d) according to daily mean dairy equivalent of calcium taken by them, and most of them consumed milk and milk products less than ‘2’ of the recommended value. Daily mean dairy equivalent of calcium was significantly related with high records of ‘50 m running’ and ‘stand long jump’(p<0.05), however it was not related with other records of physical strength. Intakes of energy, carbohydrate, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin E were significantly correlated with high record of ‘50 m running’(p<0.01). Intakes of nutrients were related with ‘50 m running’ except fat were significantly correlated with high record of ‘stand long jump’(p<0.05). Intakes of protein, phosphorus, iron, zinc, vitamin A, B6 and E were significantly correlated with high record of ‘long distance running’(p<0.05). In conclusion intake of milk and milk products was related with physical strength records(‘50 m running’ and ‘stand long jump’) and intakes of most nutrients including energy nutrient, vitamin and mineral were correlated with physical strength records(‘50 m running’, ‘stand long jump’ and ‘long distance running’) in Korean adolescents. Therefore, optimal consumption of milk and various nutrients for balanced nutrition during adolescents should be emphasized in dietary education of home economics subject for their strong physical strength.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 연구방법

Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰

Ⅳ. 결론
