최근 검색어 전체 삭제

The Life Condition of Syrian Asylum Seekers in Turkey and the Effect of These Conditions on the Desire to Migrate to Europe

  • 16

Objective: In recent years, many Syrian asylum seekers has died while they were crossing over sea to migrate to Europe. We aimed to identify the determinants of choice of Syrian asylum seekers for emigration to Europe; therefore, we selected the sample from refugee mental health clinic in Turkey. Methods: Our sample consists of 100 Syrian who applied to the refugee mental health branch polyclinic. Participants filled out the (e1) sociodemographic form, WHO-5 well-being index, and WHOQL. Then their future plans assessed by the interviewer. Results: It was seen that people who prefer to emigrate to Europe have higher level education level, lower income status, and had worse physical conditions at home. Also, They live generally in urban area, they do not have close relatives living in Syria, have poor mental well-being and have low quality of life scores. Job duration, absence of close relatives living in Syria, having low WHOOL score and physical conditions of home were found significant in regression analysis. Conclusion: We found that their economic circumstances significantly predicted their preference, unlike clinical variables. We believe in that, improving their economic conditions and the life quality of Syrian asylum seekers can prevent illegal migration by dangerous routes to Europe and policy makers over the world should consider this situation.




