The word education is a familiar homework that is always familiar.If the genre of education is movie, it is more difficult, and if the subject is a disabled person, it is a problem that cannot be solved further. While organizing the 2018 South Korea ParalSmartphone Film Festival Film Education Program, it tries to start the Eagle with reflection and reflection on the time passed. Unlike other film festivals, the 2018 South Korea Paralsmartphone Film Festival plays the biggest role in education. It can be seen that other film festivals also run educational programs for youth. However, it is not as wide and central as the 2018 ParalSmartphone Film Festival in South Korea. Also, it is the only one in the world that conducts filmmaking education for disabled people and puts the results in the center of the festival. The burden for that was great, and there were many expectations. However, it revealed many problems of supply and demand for education. This study is a revised summary of the manuscripts raised by the seminars during the festival, including the stories of many lecturers who participated in the festival, and complaints and arrangements at the festival. And I will try to deal with the points that should be improved and the hopes for the future.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 본론
1. 개요
2. 교육 대상
3. 제작교육 과정
4. 프로젝트의 개선방향
5. ‘장애인’대상 영화 제작 교육에서 느낀 시행착오들
Ⅲ. 결론