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문화예술교육에서 포스트휴먼 주제 탐색하기

Posthumanism topics in arts and cultural education

  • 225

This research emphasizes post-humanism in art and culture education and discusses the topics of post-humanism hat should be covered in such education. Post-humanism is defined as a new interpretation of humanism that has formed since modern times, and is the overcoming of anthropocentrism. The significance of post-humanism is steadily rising alongside current progress in science and technology. Thus, in culture and art education, it has become necessary to overcome the humanistic premises found in today’s society, system, law, culture, and art, and engage in post-humanistic topics. The following are some post-humanistic topics of culture and art education covered in this paper: life extension, conquering and communicating with nature, artificial life, human labor under post-humanistic conditions, robots and human ethics, hyper-connected society, virtual reality, technology monopoly, and the relationship between humanism and post-humanism. It is essential to reason and debate post-humanistic topics in culture and art education in the current education system, for they are necessary competencies in the post-human world.

Ⅰ. 휴머니즘에서 포스트휴머니즘으로

Ⅱ. 교육에서의 포스트휴먼 주제

Ⅲ. 문화예술교육에서 포스트휴먼 주제 탐색하기

IV. 문화예술교육에서의 포스트휴먼 주제에 대한 제안

V. 결론 및 제언
