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KCI등재 학술저널

가정과교사의 교사 효능감 측정도구 타당도 검증

Verification on Validity of Teacher Efficacy Scale in Home Economics Teachers

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본 연구의 목적은 Tschannen-Moran(2000)이 개발한 Ohio State Teacher Efficacy Scale(OSTES)를 중등학교 가정과교사를 대상으로 교사 효능감 하위 요인들을 알아보고, 확인적 요인분석을 통해 교사 효능감 문항들의 타당성과 신뢰성을 규명하여 교사 효능감 문항들의 모형 적합성을 검증하는데 있다. 먼저 교사 효능감의 요인들에 대한 심리측정학적 타당성을 검증하기 위해 263명의 가정과교사를 대상으로 교사 효능감 요인의 신뢰도와 요인 구조를 검사하였다. 중등학교 가정과교사의 교사 효능감 요인을 분석한 결과, 하위요인은 학급운영 효능감, 요구대처 효능감, 교수전략 효능감, 환경지원 효능감, 학습지원 효능감으로 나타났다. 그리고, 요인구조로 나타난 문항들의 요인 적합성을 판단하기 위해 교사 효능감의 5개 요인에 대한 확인적 요인 분석을 실시한 결과, 5개 하위요인이 타당한 것으로 지지되었다.

The purpose of this study was to verify the validity of Ohio State Teacher Efficacy Scale(OSTES: Tschannen-Moran, 2000) when used with Korean home economics teachers. To achieve this purposes, the surveys with 263 secondary school home economics teachers was conducted by the prime investigator. Statistical procedures included descriptive statistics, factor analysis, internal consistency. Cronbach s α was calculated to test the reliability of items and their internal consistency and Exploratory Factor Analysis(EFA) was conducted to test the structure of each factors with principal analysis and varimax rotation. Confirmatory Factor Analysis(CFA) was conducted to test the factor validity of this scale with AMOS program. The reliability test result of 20 items appeared Cronbach s α=.86. The factor analysis on teacher efficacy with 263 survey of secondary school home economics teachers produced 5 factors including efficacy in classroom management, efficacy in needs assistance, efficacy in instructional strategies, efficacy in environmental assistance and efficacy in learning assistance. The validity of teacher efficacy scale was moderately verified by the confirmatory factor analyses(GFI=.87, AGFI=.84, CFI=.86, PNFI=.72, RMR=.05, RMSEA=.07). The results lend a support to the teacher efficacy scale as a valid instrument.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경

Ⅲ. 연구방법

Ⅳ. 결과 및 해석
