This study examined teacher perception of the instructional method, activities and material in terms of class quality enhancement. Also this study established instructional method. activities and material application per 7th Practical Arts Education Course guidance domain. and type identification of the instructional method and activities unique to the practical arts curriculum. Conclusions: 1. Teachers consider the instructional method and material beneficial. However. in the item relevant to application of diverse instructional methods per specific teaching objective and educational content in the actual classroom. the highest percentage responding, relatively yes, (39.7%), balanced out with those answering, no (37.7%). 2. In linking the instructional method and material to secondary school home economics education, teachers experienced difficulty in teaching only the clothing education domain. 3. In each guidance domain, lecture method. problem-solving learning, cooperative learning, home project learning and functional learning were surveyed for instructional method suitability. Notable, home project learning was identified as a significant instructional method, This result begs in dept analysis as home project learning may be utilized as a tool to compensate for the absence of practical educational objective condition fulfillment and to substitute for teachers unable to provide such functional guidance in class. 4. In each guidance domain. role-playing, debate/discussion, case study. research, practical exercise and activity reporting were rated as essential teachingㆍlearning activities. 5. In each guidance domain, VCR , CD ROM and Web media were identifired as suitable instructional materials.
I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
III. 연구방법
IV. 연구결과 및 해석
V. 요약 및 결론