This study was to propose a basic model of specialization on home economics for vocational high school development in JellaNamdo. The results were summarized as follows. First, based on the changes in economics environment into service industry and national educational policy and local vocational educational policy. it may be good time to socially discuss special vocational high school in home economics in JellaNamdo in the light of meeting local students demand. Secondly, considering local students preference and the conditions of local economy and industry. Thirdly. the system for specialization in home economics of vocational high school may be suggested. The basic model was organized plans of system reformation by stages, a substantial plans. and academic or employment course development. System reformation plans was that the high-concentrated district should be first selected by area and department and one high school should be selected as special high school in home economics. Then specific method for reorganizing department. and curriculum. Finally the annual plan to establish new department and to recruit students should be prepared. substantial plans were to actually forward such methods to reorganize system and to enhance the quality of vocational high school education, the method for making substantial should be studied further. It may include : the methods to ensure special teacher, training room. and facilities. the prospect and direction of career development. employment, or initiation. special research. and the application to educational environment. Employment courses were developed SOHO establishment in small capital and special store management. And academic courses was to enter a collage or university in conjunction with major departments.
I. 연구의 목적과 필요성
II. 연구 내용
III. 연구 방법
IV. 관련문헌 고찰
V. 연구결과
VI. 결론 및 제언