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커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

한국 가정과 교육 연구 동향 분석

Trend Analysis of Home Economics Education Research in Korea

  • 21

This study attempts to enhance the research quality and the desirable direction of Home Economics Education research in Korea, based upon the analyses of the articles appeared in The Journal of Korea Home Economics Education published by The Korea Home Economics Education Association since 1989. Total number of 142 articles were collected for analysis from the number 1 of volume 1 in 1989 to the number 2 of volume 10 in 1998 of the journal. The major findings by each factors considered in analysis are as follows: 1. Total numbers have been 15 volumes for the last 10 years, and published bi-annually, and the size of the article ranges from minimum 7 pages to maximum 46 pages. 2. Among 9 major fields of research, 3 major fields consist of i) 32 articles in the perception of Home Economics(22.54%): ⅱ) 31 articles in teaching-learning method and teaching materials(21.83%): and ⅲ) 22 articles in curriculum and textbooks(15.49%). 3. Among various types of research, survey research was the most frequently used, 91 articles(64.08%), followed by 16 experimental researches(11.27%) and others of descriptive research, content analysis, and case study. 4. The major data collecting method was the questionnaire survey method of 87 articles(61.27%), followed by the interview, braining storming, and experiment. The major data analysis technique was the statistical analysis of 118 articles. 5. The major target groups for data collection of researches were teacher of junior and high school, followed by the student. The size of the target ranges from 101 to 200 of 12.04%, from 201 to 300 of 11.11%, 501 to 600 of 9.26%, and over 1,000 of 6.48%. 6. The numbers of researchers consist of roughly between 1 to 7. Among them, articles by one individual was 35 articles(24.65% ). Most studies were not financially supported by any institutions and universities and the researches with outside financial support were counted only 14 articles(9.86%)

Ⅰ. 연구의 필요성 및 목적

Ⅱ. 연구 대상

Ⅲ. 연구 내용

Ⅳ. 연구 방법
